Tag: 2021

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2 Review

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2 Review

The Outer Planet Guardians Return

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2 (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 2 / 劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンEternal) wraps up the Dark Moon Parade arc. As I mentioned in my review of Part 1, this is the fourth story arc. There’s only one more to go after this.

Okay, so, when watching Eternal Part 1, I didn’t remember why the outer planet guardians weren’t around. I remembered that in Crystal Season 3, Sailor Saturn tried to end the world. But, I didn’t remember that she got turned into a baby and the other three were raising her.

According to this movie, that’s what happened. Fine. I have no problems with that. And, I liked seeing that content at the start of the movie. I love the outer planet guardians — they’re better than the inner planet guardians. So, I’ll always take content revolving around them.

Setsuna, Michiru, and Haruka from the anime movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2
Setsuna, Michiru, and Haruka

There are some things I want to point out in regard to this opening part of the movie, though. First of all, Setsuna Meiou is hot. I already thought Sailor Pluto was cool because she has the power to control time and space. But, the outfit she wears at the start of this movie has me even more interested.

As far as Michiru and Haruka go, I don’t have too much to say. They’re still gay/trans icons. However, I don’t know if we knew that Haruka is an F1 driver before now. That took me by surprise. But, it does tell us when this arc takes place. If Haruka raced in (South) Africa, it has to be in 1992 or 1993.

Finally, there’s Hotaru Tomoe. Why does nobody think it’s weird that she’s growing at an alarming rate? Have they just accepted that it’s magic? It seems concerning.

Super Sailor Moon? No, That’s Eternal Sailor Moon!

In my review of Part 1, I discussed the Sailor Guardians’ new transformations. Specifically, I discussed how there wasn’t much of a point to them. The solar eclipse made it so they couldn’t transform anymore. So, they simply transformed in a different way to get around that.

These new transformations didn’t give them any new powers or anything. And, it’s not like they had to undergo some training or meaningful self-reflection to awaken them. Sure, there was some level of self-reflection required. But, it was only surface-level.

With the outer planet guardians, we’ve stopped pretending there’s a point to these transformations. They go through literally no self-reflection before unlocking them. Saturn awakens on her own and then gives the new transformations to the other three. That’s all there is to it. And, again, these “new” transformations don’t do anything new.

Eternal Sailor Moon from the anime movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2
Eternal Sailor Moon

There’s only one truly new transformation in all of Sailor Moon Eternal. Sailor Moon unlocks a new, even more powerful (I assume) form called Eternal Sailor Moon. First, she was Sailor Moon. Then, she was Super Sailor Moon. And now, she’s Eternal Sailor Moon. Will this be her final form? I doubt it.

But, something I thought was pretty funny was how Eternal Sailor Moon came to be. There have been multiple holy grails present throughout these movies. However, the last holy grail we see is different. It’s silver instead of gold and it’s what the powers of the Sailor Guardians go into to turn Sailor Moon into Eternal Sailor Moon.

What was funny about this is what Venus says when this holy grail shows up. She says that it’s the holy grail they’ve been searching for. What? Since when? When have they ever said they were searching for a holy grail? That’s news to me.

Four New Sailor Guardians

At the end of Eternal Part 2, there was a twist I didn’t see coming. The Amazoness Quartet are actually Sailor Guardians. Now, I know there are a lot of Sailor Guardians in the extended Sailor Moon universe. But, I wasn’t expecting more to show up here.

These four new Sailor Guardians are the protectors of the four asteroids. There’s Sailor Ceres, Sailor Pallas, Sailor Juno, and Sailor Vesta. But, how do they fit into the Sailor Guardians at large? Don’t their powers overlap with those of the original Sailor Guardians?

Ceres has the power of love, like Venus. Pallas has the power of water, like Mercury. Juno has the power of plants (and maybe lightning), like Jupiter. And Vesta has the power of fire, like Mars. So, what’s the point of these new Sailor Guardians? The point is that they’re the next generation’s Sailor Guardians.

Sailors Vesta, Juno, Pallas, and Ceres from the anime movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2
Sailors Vesta, Juno, Pallas, and Ceres

Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are Sailor Moon’s guardians. Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vest are Sailor Chibi Moon’s guardians. After Crystal, I kind of thought that’s what the outer planet guardians were supposed to be. But, I guess not. Chibi Moon has her own, separate guardians.

So, will we be seeing these asteroid guardians again? There’s only one arc of the series left, at this point. So, if they’re going to reappear, it’s going to be then. But, if you ask me, I’d prefer that they didn’t show up.

I think it was fine to introduce the Sailor Guardians associated with Chibi Moon. However, Chibi Moon’s story feels like something that we shouldn’t be covering. Sailor Moon’s story isn’t even done yet. So, leave whatever Chibi Moon and the asteroid guardians get up to for the future — even if we don’t get to see that future.

Final Thoughts

In the end, I gave Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 2 a 6/10. It was better than Part 1, which I also gave a 6. But, I don’t think it was good enough for me to give a 7. The plot wasn’t that good and I would have liked to see more character development.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

Finally, I’d like to thank Roman and JasonHK for supporting DoubleSama.com at the Heika tier this month. To learn more about the perks of supporting this blog, check out DoubleSama.com/support.

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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1 Review

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1 Review

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1 anime movie cover art
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1

The True Solar Eclipse Conspiracy

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1 (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal Movie 1 / 劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンEternal) is the sequel to Sailor Moon Crystal. There are three seasons of Crystal, then two movies of Eternal, and then two more movies of Cosmos.

I’ll get through all the movies eventually. But, let’s focus on Eternal (Part 1) in this review. Eternal covers the fourth story arc, the Dead Moon Circus arc. And, as you might expect, Eternal Part 1 focuses on the first half. It sets everything up for Eternal Part 2, which I expect to be better.

Here’s the setup, a solar eclipse happens and some villains show up from another dimension. These villains are members of the Dead Moon Circus, who are trying to revive their evil queen. You know, standard Sailor Moon villainry.

Rei, Ami, Minako, and Makoto looking at a solar eclipse from the anime movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Rei, Ami, Minako, and Makoto looking at a solar eclipse

Coincidentally, there are four main members of the Dead Moon Circus, whom I’ll get to later. Why is this a coincidence? Because there are four main Sailor Guardians aside from Sailor Moon. There’s Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. And, wouldn’t you know? The four main members of the Dead Moon Circus control the same “elements” as those Sailor Guardians.

Wow! It’s almost like we’re going to see each member of each group paired up against each other.

If you haven’t guessed by now, that’s exactly what happens in this movie. It’s weird to say, but this movie feels very episodic.

Sure, there’s still an overarching plot. Usagi and Chibiusa have stuff going on. But, a significant portion of this movie is dedicated to the Sailor Guardians vs. the members of Dead Moon Circus. And, each of these battles follows the same formula. We pretty much see the same thing happen four times.

Dead Moon Circus

Alright, let’s talk about Dead Moon Circus. Who are they and what are they all about? As I mentioned, their goal is to revive their queen, Nehellenia. If that sounds familiar, it’s basically the same plot as the Dark Kingdom arc from Crystal Season 1.

The main difference is that the Dark Kingdom had Queen Beryl trying to revive Queen Metalia. In this arc, we have Zirconia trying to revive Nehellenia.

Okay, so who’s Zirconia? We don’t know that much about her. But, she’s the interim leader of Dead Moon Circus while Nehellenia isn’t around. She’s an old woman who looks like an alien.

Aside from Nehellenia and Zirconia, there are four other, previously mentioned, members of the group. I don’t believe we got their names in this first movie. But, we know they call themselves the Amazoness Quartet. They’re the descendants of the legendary Amazoness warriors.

The Amazoness Quartet from the anime movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
The Amazoness Quartet

The Amazoness Quartet controls “Lemures” in battle. Lemures are like little shadow spirit things that remind me of the soot creatures from Ghibli films. These Lemures get inside the bodies of their victims and turn their dreams into nightmares. This somehow creates dark energy, which the Dead Moon Circus collects to revive their queen.

What does it mean to turn a dream into a nightmare, though? Let’s look at Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) as an example. Her dream is to become a doctor, so she’s studied hard all her life.

The Lemures twisted her dedication into a bad thing. They tried to convince her that this is why she’s not very close to her parents. Rather than spending time with them, she spent all her time studying.

There are also three male(?) sub-members of Dead Moon Circus, who were transformed from animals into humans. They work under the Amazoness Quartet.

Mamoru Gets Lung Cancer

So, there are some other weird things that happen in this movie. For starters, none of the Sailor Guardians can transform after the solar eclipse. That should make things interesting, right? Well, it doesn’t because they all awaken new ways to transform.

Okay, but these new ways to transform are different and more powerful than the old ways, right? Again, no. At least, not that I could tell. They use different objects to transform now, but the transformations are the same. It doesn’t appear that they received any new abilities or got any stronger.

Next, Chibiusa gets into a romantic relationship with a horse. To be precise, it’s actually a pegasus. I’m not sure if that makes it any less strange. But, when the pegasus kisses her, it transforms into a boy. So, that’s good. At least he has a human form.

Helios in human form from the anime movie Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Eternal The Movie Part 1
Helios in human form

This pegasus boy is Helios and he’s one of Mamoru’s knights from the future. In case you forgot, Chibiusa is the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru. I don’t believe Usagi and Mamoru know this, but Chibiusa does. So, Helios is Chibiusa’s future boyfriend, I guess.

Finally, Mamoru gets lung cancer. Okay, so not really. But, he kind of does. He’s coughing a lot and even coughing up blood. Then, when he goes to a doctor to get checked out, he’s told that he has a dark spot in his lungs. A spot on your lungs sounds a lot like cancer, to me. But, this doctor doesn’t seem all that concerned.

Of course, it’s not cancer. This dark spot is one of the Lemures that got inside Mamoru’s body. In this movie, this just means Mamoru is out of commission. But, I assume it will be more relevant in the second movie.

Final Thoughts

I really liked Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3. That was peak Sailor Moon, for me. Unfortunately, since that was the peak, it means Sailor Moon Eternal Part 1 isn’t. In the end, I gave this movie a 6/10, which is the same I gave the first two seasons of Crystal.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on my review of Eternal Part 2 — links are in the footer.

Finally, I’d like to thank Roman and JasonHK for supporting DoubleSama.com at the Heika tier this month. To learn more about the perks of supporting this blog, check out DoubleSama.com/support.

My review of Sailor Moon Eternal Part 2 is available now.

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The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm Review

The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm Review

The Wild Hunt

The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm is a 3-episode OVA. It takes place after Season 1 and leads into the college arc of Season 2. But, as an OVA, it’s by no means a mandatory watch.

If the content of this OVA was important for Season 2, that would have been pretty annoying. Why? Because these three episodes aired over the course of an entire year. The first one released in September 2021 and the last in September 2022. That’s not exactly the best release schedule if viewers need to watch.

Anyway, this OVA features the Wild Hunt. These are spirit horsemen who travel the lands followed by death and destruction. They’re a natural force that usually doesn’t cause problems — they clear the brush for new life to spring up. But, this time, disaster (lightning) strikes.

The Wild Hunt from the anime OVA The Ancient Magus' Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm
The Wild Hunt

During a summer storm, lightning struck the stone within which the Wild Hunt reside. This caused pieces to break off, which left the Wild Hunt separated from their leader. Without their leader, overstayed their welcome and trampled the forest. So, naturally, it’s up to Elias and Chise to save the day.

The thing is, Elias and Chise aren’t exactly the main characters of this OVA. It would be better if they played a bigger role. But, the real main character is some random kid from London named Gabriel. I’ll discuss Gabriel more a bit later in this review.

Chise’s main role in the OVA is to be the canary in the coal mine. I guess because she’s a sleigh beggy, she’s more susceptible to the Wild Hunt’s negative energy. So, throughout these three episodes, we can keep track of the Wild Hunt situation by how Chise feels.

Reuniting a Boy and His Horse

For most of the OVA, the Wild Hunt isn’t around. They’re scattered throughout the forest and don’t appear as a unit until the last episode. The only members of the wild hunt who are around are “Evan” (the leader) and his horse. Though, even those two are separated.

Reuniting “Evan” and his horse is the main plot of the OVA. “Evan” is with Gabriel. And “Evan’s” horse is with Chise and Elias. Before going further, I should explain why I’m putting “Evan’s” name in quotes for those who haven’t seen the OVA.

“Evan” doesn’t have an actual name. He’s simply the leader of the Wild Hunt. And, by leader, I don’t mean that he’s in charge. There’s a king of the Wild Hunt who stands above him. By leader, I mean he literally leads the pack as they travel. That’s why they need him.

"Evan" and his horse from the anime OVA The Ancient Magus' Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm
“Evan” and his horse

The name “Evan” comes from Gabriel. It was inconvenient for the boy not to have a name. So, Gabriel names him after the knight in one of his favorite stories. At the time, however, he doesn’t know that “Evan” actually is a knight.

Now, reuniting “Evan” and his horse is something that needs to be done. If it’s not, England is going to become a wasteland. For Chise and Elias, it’s also more personal. Chise’s condition will only worsen if the Wild Hunt doesn’t move on. But, Gabriel doesn’t view it the same way. He doesn’t want “Evan” to leave.

Gabriel suffers from some pretty severe asthma. That’s why his parents moved from London out into the country where the air quality is better. But, this isn’t something Gabriel wanted. He doesn’t have friends out here. That is until he met “Evan,” a friend he can play with despite his condition.

Gabriel and “Evan”

Despite the fact that I think this OVA is boring, Gabriel is a very well-written character. He’s a kid going through a rebellious phase because his parents are overbearing. At least, that’s how he views the situation. In reality, his parents are concerned for his health.

What makes Gabriel such a compelling character, though, is how he responds to this. His parents tell him not to run because of his asthma. So, what does he do? He runs, of course. His parents also forced him to move far away from his friends. So, he withdraws into his hobbies and fantasies.

He does the things we’d expect from a boy of his age. That’s why he’s a good character. And, he likes knights and magic and stuff like that. So, it’s no surprise that he finds this whole Wild Hunt thing to be exciting.

"Evan" smiling at Gabriel from the anime OVA The Ancient Magus' Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm
“Evan” smiling at Gabriel

Of course, because Gabriel is a kid, he doesn’t always make smart choices. For example, he doesn’t appreciate the danger that “Evan” and the Wild Hunt pose to him. Simply coming into physical contact with them is detrimental to his health. But, Gabriel cares more about playing with his new friend.

In the third episode, Gabriel even “decides” that he’d rather go with the Wild Hunt than return home. Though, it’s unknown how coerced this decision was. Gabriel was clearly being influenced by the Wild Hunt’s magic. But, it still may have only influenced him because it’s what he wanted.

Either way, at the very end, Gabriel snaps out of the spell and realizes his poor decision. He realizes that his family cares about him and that he doesn’t want to be away from them. And with that, “Evan” releases him from spending eternity with the Wild Hunt. Yeah, that’s the end.

Final Thoughts

In the end, I had to give The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Boy from the West and the Knight of the Blue Storm a 4/10. It’s bad. It doesn’t further our understanding of magic. And there’s barely anything to the plot. If you have an hour to spare, I wouldn’t waste it on this OVA.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. And, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

Finally, I’d like to thank Roman and JasonHK for supporting DoubleSama.com at the Heika tier this month. To learn more about supporting this blog, check out DoubleSama.com/support.

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Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut Review

Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut Review

Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut anime series cover art
Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut

Space Race: The Anime

Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut (Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu / 月とライカと吸血姫) is a sci-fi fantasy anime. It’s about the space race that took place between the US and USSR in the 1960s. But, there are quite a few differences from reality.

For example, the names of the countries are different. Instead of the United States, it’s the United Kingdom of Arnak (UK). And instead of the Soviet Union, it’s the Republic of Zirnitra (USZR). But, the biggest difference between this series and reality is the vampires.

You probably saw that coming from the title.

So, basically, this series follows the USZR side of the space race. And it’s about how, in this world, the USZR uses a vampire as a test subject before putting humans in space. You know, because since vampires aren’t human, their lives have no value.

Irina Luminesk and Lev Leps from the anime series Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut
Irina Luminesk and Lev Leps

I imagine that the light novel this anime is based on continues after the end of the anime. But, the anime covers the time between the first dog going into space and the first human going into space. It doesn’t make it to the moon landing. Though, I assume the light novel does.

Just as the USSR did in real life, the USZR sent a dog into space without a plan for it to return alive. However, they can’t do the same thing to a human. So, the natural next step is to test bringing something back from orbit alive. This is what the USZR is working on throughout the series.

Sending a vampire into orbit is the final step before sending a human. But, of course, the vampire won’t make it into the history books. A dog is one thing. But nobody wants to admit that a vampire made it into space before humans.

The First Cosmonaut

As you likely assumed based on the title, Irina Luminesk is the vampire chosen to be the first cosmonaut. Though, it’s not as if there were other vampires vying for the position. The USZR massacred Irina’s people. And when they captured her, she volunteered for the job despite the risks.

However, Irina didn’t volunteer for this position solely to save her life. I’m sure that was part of it. But, her dream is to visit space and the moon. And she wants to go there before humans. She knows once humans make it there, they’ll ruin it.

Something you may have noticed is that Irina is a cosmonaut and not an astronaut. So, what’s the difference? Well, it’s pretty simple. Cosmonauts and astronauts are actually the same thing, just from different places. In the USZR (USSR), they’re called cosmonauts. And in the UK (US), they’re called astronauts. That’s it.

Anya Simonyan from the anime series Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut
Anya Simonyan

Now, you might be thinking that Irina is cute. But, she’s not. The series tries to make her appear cute at times. However, I find her very annoying. Both the way she speaks and acts annoy me. And, let’s be honest, there are plenty of cuter girls out there, like Anya Simonyan.

Irina isn’t the only important character in the series. In fact, she’s not even the protagonist. That honor goes to Lev Leps. He’s pretty generic as far as protagonists go, though. You know, your typical nice guy who gets along with everyone and wants to follow his dreams.

Anya Simonyan is the third, and pretty much final, character who matters in the series. She’s a researcher who works for the USZR and specializes in vampires. Her job is to study Irina’s body. The USZR needs to gather information on the effects of space on the “human” body.

Historical Revisionism

The two main characters being annoying isn’t the only thing I disliked about this series. There are also the changes from the real events the story is based on. And, while I don’t have an issue with all of the changes made, I don’t know why some were made.

For example, why were the names of the countries changed? It doesn’t matter, but it seems odd. However, that one change led to some other changes I have more issues with. The smallest of these is the name of the first dog in space.

The real first dog in space was Laika. But in this series, the dog’s name was Maly. Why was this change made? I don’t know other than because the USZR is technically not the USSR. Though, Laika the dog did get referenced by the name of the test facility in the series, LAIKA44.

Irina wearing her space suit from the anime series Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut
Irina wearing her space suit

The change I liked the least was the erasure of Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space. Yuri isn’t in this series and is instead replaced by Lev Leps. Again, why? Is it because the story after this first manned flight in space differs from reality even more?

I imagine that if this series goes all the way to the moon landing, it’s not the UK (US) who gets there first. Surely it would be Irina and Lev of the USZR (USSR). So, if that’s the case, I guess that’s why all the names were changed.

But, here’s the thing: They didn’t need to alter the major historical events for this series to work. The whole point of the majority of the show was that Irina, a vampire, wouldn’t be in the history books. So, they could have framed everything that had to do with her as “forgotten history.”


I ended up giving Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut a 5/10. Again, I didn’t think the characters were very good. And, I felt like the series would have been better if it took place within historical reality. But, if you’ve seen the anime, what did you think of it? Let me know in the comments.

If you enjoyed this review, remember to share it with everyone you know. Also, follow me on your social media of choice so you don’t miss out on any future articles — links are in the footer.

Finally, I’d like to thank Roman and JasonHK for supporting DoubleSama.com at the Heika tier this month. To learn more about becoming a supporter of this blog, check out Patreon.com/DoubleSama.

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Jujutsu Kaisen 0

Jujutsu Kaisen 0

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 anime movie cover art
Jujutsu Kaisen 0

Somewhere Between Seasons 1 & 2

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (劇場版 呪術廻戦 0) is a movie prequel to the Jujutsu Kaisen series. It came out back in 2021, after the first season of the anime. But, I never actually got around to watching it until only recently.

After watching the first episode of Season 2, I figured I should probably go back and watch the movie. After all, Season 2 also appears to be a prequel. I won’t be getting into major spoilers for that here. But, it takes place back before the events of Season 1.

So, I finally decided to watch Jujutsu Kaisen 0 so I wouldn’t miss out on anything in Season 2. However, I quickly learned that 0 and Season 2 don’t take place at the same time. The events of Season 2 — at least in the beginning — take place before even 0.

Satoru Gojou's eye from the anime movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Satoru Gojou’s eye

If you’re wondering if you need to watch 0 before Season 2, I’d say no. It doesn’t appear that 0 is mandatory viewing material for the second season. But, with that said, you’re going to understand a bit more in Season 2 if you’ve already seen 0.

For example, Suguru Getou is a prominent character in both the movie and the second season. From what I remember, we didn’t see too much of him back in Season 1. So, if you’ve seen 0, you’ll understand his character a lot more going into Season 2.

This movie also follows different characters than the first two seasons. Season 1 followed Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara. And Season 2 is following Gojou and his friends from his time in high school. But 0 follows the current second-year students Maki, Toge, and Panda.

Oh, and it also follows a brand new character, Yuuta Okkotsu.

Yuuta Okkotsu & Rika Orimoto

The two new characters in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 are Yuuta Okkotsu and Rika Orimoto. Yuuta and Rika were childhood friends and promised they would marry each other in the future. However, Rika died shortly after when she was hit by a car in front of Yuuta.

After this traumatic event, Yuuta found himself cursed by what used to be Rika. Whenever people threaten or harm Yuuta, Rika’s curse appears and gravely injures them. There’s something else Yuuta and Yuuji have in common. That’s the grade of their curses. Both Sukuna and Rika are Special grade curses. That means they could cause catastrophic damage, hence the planned executions.

But, before his execution, Gojou intervenes. He believes that they shouldn’t kill a child like Yuuta. Instead, he suggests Yuuta attend Jujutsu High — which should sound surprisingly familiar. That’s exactly what happened with Yuuji Itadori in Season 1. He was set for execution before an intervention sent him to Jujutsu High.

Yuuta Okkotsu and Rika Orimoto (curse) from the anime movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Yuuta Okkotsu and Rika Orimoto (curse)

While at Jujutsu High, Yuuta learns to use Rika’s curse. Letting her go out of control is dangerous for both Yuuta and everyone around him. And the way he controls her curse is by channeling it into a sword. Well, at least partially. She also still acts autonomously.

There’s something else Yuuta and Yuuji have in common. That’s the grade of the curses they’re afflicted by. Both Sukuna and Rika are Special grade curses. That means they could cause catastrophic damage, hence the planned executions.

We already know how strong Gojou is from Season 1. His cursed technique allows him to control space, time, and matter. And yet, we learned that if Rika went berserk and Yuuta couldn’t control her, even Gojou may not be able to stop her. That’s how powerful Special grade curses are.

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I Don’t Understand the Ending

I enjoyed Jujutsu Kaisen 0 while watching it. Though, I’m not going to say I thought it was an amazing anime. It certainly had its issues. But, one of the things it did well was made me curious about the rest of the series.

There were a few things that happened at the end of the movie that I don’t understand. And I’m not saying that the movie was bad because I didn’t get it. I’m saying that I hope Season 2 eventually explains some of these things. I want to know more.

So, let’s start the spoilers off by talking about Getou, the villain. At the end of the movie, it’s implied that Getou died. And yet, we know Getou is still around in the present timeline. We’ve seen him in Season 1. However, in the current timeline, he has a scar across his forehead.

Suguru Getou from the anime movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Suguru Getou

So, does this mean Getou actually died there and was revived somehow? Mahito is the cursed spirit covered in stitches. Could he have been the one to revive Getou somehow? Or, is it that Getou never died and Gojou somehow saved his life? And if that’s the case, how is he free again?

The other thing I didn’t understand was what happened to Yuuta. Obviously, Yuuta isn’t present in Season 1 alongside the other second-year students. But, he didn’t die. Instead, he’s found in Kenya with one of the other villains from the movie.

Why is Yuuta palling around with the enemy? I forget the guy’s name, but he was on Getou’s side. And during the big fight of the movie, this was the guy fighting against Gojou. But now, he seems to be on good terms with both Yuuji and Gojou. So, what happened there? And will Yuuta be returning?


In the end, I gave Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a 7/10. That’s a point lower than I gave the first season of the anime. The movie was still good. But, again, I didn’t think it was that good. And considering it redid some of the same tropes from the anime, it wasn’t too unique, either.

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My review of Season 2 is available now.

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